Sunday, September 20, 2009

if this don't make you smile

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low key: natural selection

close seconds. i love photography!

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low key: part deux

last week i posted part one of my low key lighting assignment. here is part 2. much better if i do say so myself but you can judge for yourself (please do i'd love the feedback)

final images right after this
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i'm thinking harlem... renaissance

the literary city by Ian Huebert for the San Francisco Chronicle

via apartment therapy

i love the idea of this but i want some baldwin, some hurston and some langston. i think i found a new project.

"stay tuned imma show you how my art moves"-mos
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Monday, September 14, 2009

low key: not so much

learning and growing. learning and growing.

my newest class assignment is to create the album artwork for a neo soul artist on the verge of a comeback using low key lighting in studio and outside. needless to say i missed the mark. well half of it. part two to come later this week.

"stay tuned imma show how my art moves"- mos

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

shut the front door!

New 18-megapixel DSLR shoots high-def movies and includes high-end features on the step-up Canon EOS 7D.

Canon today took the wraps off their newest EOS DSLR camera body, the Canon EOS 7D. The 18-megapixel Canon EOS 7D is described as a mid-range DSLR. With a suggested retail price of $1700, the Canon EOS 7D comes in $1000 cheaper than the suggested price on the Canon EOS 5D Mark II that we reviewed this summer. Like the Canon 5D Mark II, the Canon 7D also includes Full HD video recording at resolutions up to 1920 by 1080 pixels. But even though the Canon 7D is a less expensive mid-range option, Canon has included some interesting new features that even their high-end cameras still lack. Read the rest of the review here.

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