Saturday, May 30, 2009

love art | culver city


today i spent the afternoon enjoying the culver city artwalk, 41 galleries open free to the public displaying an array of artistic mediums. needless to say, i was in heaven. here is just a taste of the culture of culver city. 


                                               picture show

                                        art in fashion

                               art lovers make nice art

                                          spf : a

                              creativity live and in color

                    robby marshall group | living electric

rounding out our walk was the robby marshall group. let me just say, this band f*ckin rocked. looking at them you'd never think they played bluesy jazzy soul music. where have they been all my life!
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Friday, May 29, 2009

cherry poppin

so here are a few of my first images shot with geromino. i'm such a virgin.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009


new photos coming.... Read more!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

if God is Love

if God is Love
where does He go when It's gone
and she's hurting
and she's crying
tired of giving of her God
worshiping his
longing for His

if God is Love
why is Hers never enough
for his God
she gives sacrament
for not being right in his eyes
laments for her short comings
her God
his false promises
before God
their God
their Love
no honor in his words
she cherished
she loved

but God
where does He go when It's gone
and she's hurting
with nothing left to give
nothing left
to Love

but God
she's hurting
be still
Love Read more!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

L.O.V.E. | today

On this day
there will be no talk of war
or politic
or disaster
or death
love is alive today
so we will speak only of love
There will be only love
on tongue
and lip
and in heart
and thought
and it won't be that Hollywood type of love
not tv love
not dime store novel love
and certainly not mainstream music love
you know, love
Love that has been worked on
like gardens and term papers
Love that has been nurtured
like children
and well
like children
Love that falls
crashes even
but dusts off
fixes up
and rises
more brilliant than before
phoenix love
phoenix love
So let us speak only of love
healing love
no herbal or over the counter love
real healing love
God love
like mothers love
lovers love
child's love
best friend love
change the world love
human love
humans love
love soft
love hard
but just love
enjoy this new garden
work on it together
and it will be perennial
It will grow year to year
it will be beautiful
it will win blue ribbons and everything
folks will come from far and wide just to see it
and wish they had it
had this kind of garden
this kind of love

Ursula Rucker
Ma'At Mama

you're welcome
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Monday, May 18, 2009

soul rebel

the new york times has a new blog! its called lens and its a photojournalism blog displaying the most amazing photographs, multimedia images and slideshows. Showcase: Bob Marley is one of todays many posts. Not only does it feature 9 ill images of the man himself but includes an interview with David Burnett, photographer and author of Soul Rebel: An Intimate Portrait of Bob Marley in Jamaica and Beyond which features photographs of the legend in Jamaica in 1976 and his European tour in the spring of 1977. i want this book.

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like most twenty somethings today, i am really into fashion and art and the marriage between the two. street fashion blogs often give me exactly what i'm looking for when i want to be inspired by the art in fashion. the sartorialist: fantastic photography and gives me wonderful menswear, garance doré: amazing photographs and even more amazing illustrations of gorgeous clothes and great accessories, and my newest obsession the unknown hipster: combines crazy good imaginative drawings (i love crayola) with incredible looks and you don't even have to use your imagination to see his vision.

love art

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

love art | l.a.

as an l.a. native, i see images like the one above around town often. i always wondered who owns the creative mind that produced such oddities. Enter Mr. Brainwash. A dynamic street artist painting the city of los angeles creative. here's a link to an interview with carson daily. i love art

oh and his website is one of coolest i've been to. click here to connect to culture

love + love Read more!

Monday, May 11, 2009

mornings thoughts hand resting softly in my necks bend
i feel my pulse in my throat
swig and swallow
suppress my appetite
i wish coffee worked on you
the days pass
i grow thin and heavy with wanting
obese and obscure. Read more!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

sensible words

“Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.”

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

on sex and love

"I think sex is important, and magical (if you're lucky), and intimate and precious and special. But I also think it's important to take it with a pinch of salt and a generous sense of humour. It just happens, and it just is. Like you said, there is nothing, nothing worse than being contrived, or obvious or awful with sex. I think sexy is synonymous with intelligence, and confidence and subtlety and a certain self-possessed knowingness that I'm nowhere near having but would really like to achieve. I can't have sex with men I don't love, or at least like very, very much. I can't have sex with men that scare me, and I definitely can't have sex with men I don't find intellectually challenging, interesting and in the possession of a delicate soul.

Delicate soul? I'm such a creep.

But like everything, do you think the most interesting, erotic parts are the little things? The obscure bits that make your stomach flip? The preambles, the dinners before, the cigarettes after. The breathless conversation about the best things you know and the 'would you like a glass of water?' and 'are you comfortable', the 'let me walk you to the bus stop in the rain in the morning', the 'oh my god I want to make this boy a mixtape and that hasn't happened in months', the 'you have to read this book', the 'did he just hold my hand while we're falling asleep/open the cab door and put his hand on the small of my back/tell me I look more beautiful than every other girl in the room/dance with me to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun', the emails, the intricacies and intimacies and the careful navigation. "

i wish i could own these a sense i do.though i've never been able to express them.not in this way.thank you natalie

love + love Read more!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

this could be love

i'm always looking for new sources of inspiration, so during my daily tour of kanye universecity i came across i'm in deep and utter infatuation. this man's work is nothing short of amazing!


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Monday, May 4, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

i so need to go to New York this summer

the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is hosting the exhibit Models As Muse: Embodying Fashion which features photographs of models from 1947 to 1997. see article and slide show here
the exhibit runs from May 6th to August 9th. 

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